
Welcome to my blog !

This is the blog of the shop « Alice Mirror Clock », which you can find during New Zealand’s DOUJIN OVERLOAD event !

I know a lot of people asked me the prices of the items, but I’m not sure yet, so everything I can say is : for the moment, there is no item that tops $90.  The price of a mini topc hat goes from $30 to $50 ( depends of the degree of details ) for example. Also, except for some specific items, all of them are unique pieces.

All the items displayed on this blog will be on sale during the Doujin Overload !! Click on the image to go to the official website.
Hope to see you there !

Also, part of this website is in french : so if you don’t speak this language, juste don’t worry and skip all the bold writings : they are just the exact translation of the items descriptions.

Have fun everyone !

Bienvenue sur mon blog !

J’ai créé cet espace pour montrer ce que je fais et le vendre.

Je sais que j’ai mis la priorité sur ce blog à la langue anglaise, mais c’est la langue parlée communément ici, alors je vais faire au mieux pour vous fournir des descriptions aussi en français.

Ici, en Nouvelle Zélande, il va y avoir un salon manga : ce n’est pas comme en France ou c’est très populaire. Ici, ça dure un seul jour et c’est une fois par an. Ca s’appelle la Doujin Overload, et j’y vendrai tout ce que vous voyez affiché dans ce site ( et peut être plus ). Pour aller jeter un coup d’oeil, cliquez sur l’image ( attention, tout est en anglais ).

Vous pouvez acheter tout ce qui est exposé ici, ou alors faire une commande spéciale. Ce ne sera pas un soucis pour moi de vous envoyer ça jusqu’en France ;). N’hésitez pas à commenter ( c’est gratuit et ça me donne une idée de ce que vous pensez de ce que je fais ) 🙂

Les prix pour le moment, n’excèdent pas les 60 euros, et sauf exceptions, les modèles sont des pièces uniques. ^^

Bonne visite !!

10 commentaires

  1. Shazna said,

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ça y est !!!!! enfin !!!! j’ai pu voir le lien ^^ chouette
    Moi aussi j’aime bien le cosplay et le style goth loli

  2. Sent mon doigt. said,

    Je te lirais avec attention.

  3. Carmelita said,

    Chouette blog !
    J’ai hâte de voir davantage de tes créations.

  4. Quebec said,

    Hey Vinyl!
    Nice site, even nicer creations although I’ll probably never wear them, as you know 😉
    Best wishes from the Dutchman with the weird accent in France.



  5. hey said,

    Hi =]

    Since i can’t post on your Cosplaynz forum thing, ill post here, i want to also know if those headphone wings things can be used on earphones too? like, click on or magnetic or something? it’b be kewl if yuo made some, like, bat wings/darkangle wings sort of wings =] i’d buy em =]

    also, i want a set of the rose twisted rings?

    • alicemirrorclock said,

      Hi ^^

      on ear phones, it will be complicated : I will not have enough space to attach the wings, and I’m afraid that even if I manage to attach them, the hole thing will not be secure.
      what I recon, is to buy a set oh headphones in a 2$ shop : that way, it will be cheap

      After, I can make any design you like.

      For the rings, no worries, we have a good stock of them. The price will be 10$ each, and they come with individual boxes.

  6. hey said,

    As a set? in individual boxes?

    Ok, well alright, i suppose they would be difficult, maybe if you just made some for headphones then, and tell me what headphones you used so i can then buy them 😛

    If you DO think its possible and to get them working properly and good on earphones, you can tell/show me what type of earphones you used and ill buy some =]

    But if not, just headphone ones, i’d still get some, around how much would they be?
    It would be good if you could make any design that, well.. looks like evil wings/dark anle wings/bat wings, you know?
    if not, or even if you could do more than 1, also angle wings? 😛

    i’d defiantly buy them. and i WANT those rings (not for me btw) ima guy 😛 so im defiantly coming to visit your table =]

  7. alicemirrorclock said,

    For the headphones, I recon something like this :

    and to avoid these kind of headphone :

    If you have already a precise idea of the design you like, the better is to send me the link. As told, anything is possible, and if you want more than one pair, the sooner you tell me what you want, the better.

    When I see you on saturday, it will be great that you have prepared everything that you would like me to do for you, do I could start making them.

    see ya there then ^

  8. hey said,

    The http://www.dealgiant.co.uk/images/Denon-AHNC732_headphones.jpg Type headphones are fine! much better for it then =] ill have a squiz right now at what im lookin for, and put in the links.

    (the white ones in ^^^)

    One of the angle one and one of the more evil demon sort would be nice =] they don’t have to be exactly like that, you can make them how you make them =]
    How much would they cost? rounded?
    And how much for a set of the rose rings?

  9. MJ said,

    Hi there
    I’ve just found your blog here, and I wonder if you can help – i URGENTLY need a bright red mini top hat in the style of the first one on your mini hats page (with the feathers but not necessarily in the faux leather) for a wedding on 4th Sept.
    Can you make/post etc one in that amount of time?
    If you could email me asap (littlekiwi@orcon.net.nz) I’d be super grateful!


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